Green shells with same armors and 108 damage rolled.....:
So only if all the shells hit, i can achieve damage similar to slug shells? And there is no bleed either/less knockback.
Seems weird shotguns have such high base damage and low range but cant seem to do more than 40 damages on a perfect hit.
As for red shells: good that's what it's suposed to do against a metal mk3 +/- nothing. But instead of having such high DT-, would'nt it be better to have a bit less and slightly better DR- maybe? Almost all armors have 50% DR at least, so that would ensure good penetration on low DT armors, and little to no penetration on CA and metal mk3.
@John: how was i being smug? lol. You all seem to think that coming on your forum to express one's opinion is ''being smug'' or ''shitposting''. I was expressing my opinion, nothing more. I wasnt holding a glass of chardonnay and smoking a 500$ cigar as i was writing this either....

''your smug know-it-all tone'' Aint THAT a pretty smug thing to say?

@Ramon: Congrats! That's your first actually helpfull post i ever read! One thing tho: ''wrong opinion''
I dont believe there is such a thing as a wrong opinion, only different ones.
''once again weasel proving he doesnt know how ingame mechanics work''
''Weasel, noone blames you for not knowing all the details of the game mechanics because in the end it's our fault for not conveying them clearly enough''
What can i say? Your both right!
DO come back to me on toughts about red shells tho: Wouldn't less DT- and more DR- make it better against robes/jackets while being useless against CA/Metal mk3?