I Have No Arm, and I Must Patchnote
Fixes:- Fixed combatlog and hex shooting activation keys
- Minor item description string fixes
- Some map door issues fixed?
Changes:- Negative reputation will no longer get bullied by guards.
- Negative reputation will deduct 1$ from payout per rep until positive again.
- Changed "rtsmode" hotkey to U by default (still configurable from hotkeys.ini)
Needler HN Ammo Change
20% Damage Effectiveness
430% Bleed
- Added Stimpack ammo for Needler [ needs image ]
Mustard Grenade
AP cost 80 -> 50
Duration (throwing >= 200) 60000 -> 63000
Smoke Grenade
AP cost 25 -> 55
All duration decreased by 5 (basic 18000 -> 12000, max 24000 -> 19000)
- Deploying now lowers attacker chance to hit by 10% and has +10% critical effect resistance.
- Randomized smoke dispersion pattern
- Changed the perks of M1C, DKS, MSG, Steyr AUG and .223 Pistol and increased bleed on DKS
- The electro SMG deals 80% electro and 50% normal damage, for both modes. (DT applies for both)
- The BAR has AP cost and burstcount halved, range reduced by 5 and reload reduced by 25
- Plasma Grenade damage 90-130 -> 100-150
- Winded now removes AP+ regen
- Power Armor DT 30 -> 27
- Made Plasma Rifle's stats are 1.5x of plasma pistol's except range (35) and firerate (1200).
- Added Particle Accelerator [ EW Sniper weapon ], Extreme damage, Extreme Range, Extremely hard to use. Use hex fire to try to land long distance shots!
- Sonic Cannon AOE increased by 1, made projectile invisible
Maps:- Added Cover system to all core maps
- Changed the following 3 maps to hopefully make for a more interesting PvP experience:
Addition:- Added Adams school level 2 and War Mart level 2. Similar mechanics to Polymer Lab level 2, though War Mart is far from being soloable. Low chance of finding tier 3 in the bossroom, same bag used as in the PvP random Chest.
Door wars:
Skill 2 will open and enter door hex
Skill 4 will attempt to plant charges
Skill 8 will lock the door until you moved. Locked door can't be opened (surprise)
- Changed prices for door charge
- Added new Core feature, Now can see on map an ! which indicates an event has spawned
New Core Event : FunboxFunbox is spawned randomly in core in a random spot. It will open at random time (average 15 minutes) and remain opened for 5 minutes before self destruction. Value loot can be obtained by contesting these boxes. A certain threshold of players required for spawning of box(s).

Run Updater : Yes