Author Topic: [ALPHA] 28.02.2013 Changelog  (Read 22596 times)

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[ALPHA] 28.02.2013 Changelog
« on: February 28, 2013, 05:07:04 PM »


- Server crashes fixed. Server is stable now and should remain so for the rest of the Alpha test.
- Bug fixes related to random spawns. The list is too long to be enumerated. In overall, patrols have been greatly improved, and most of their bugs should now be fixed.
- Fixed reputation showing up properly in the concierge dialogue.
- Critter speeds and animations fixes.
- Team fixes for NPC's. Lawyers and Family NPC's affect reputation drops and increases accordingly.
- Minor map and descriptions fixes.


- Random spawns rates modified. Stronger creatures spawn less often both in the Core and in Random Encounters.
- Humans spawn less often in the Core and in Random Encounters.
- All creatures have been rebalanced. Most have been nerfed to more appropriate profiles. We'll see if more changes are required in the future.
- All critters contour colors (while aiming) are now based on their relations towards you. Enemies are in red, neutral in yellow, allies in green.
- Awareness now shows critters names. The color of the name depends on the reputation as for the contours.
- Various weapon rebalances and fixes.
- Caps values of crafting components reduced.
- Reduced Core resources spawn rates.
- You now need 30000 reputation to invite someone to a squad base.
- The physical status of any critter doesn't show automatically while moving the pointer over it anymore.


- Worldmap location descriptions.
- Two new patrols, Farmers and Bandits.
- Science can now be used to dismantle stuff. The scavenged amount depends on the tier and weight of the item.
- Crafting of support CA and faction CA implemented.


- Created and implemented the Poker Table of DEATH.

Additional notes

- If you see your status (Crippled, etc.) buttons on the middle of your screen, relaunch one time the game.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2013, 05:20:16 PM by John Porno »

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