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Author Topic: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15  (Read 20868 times)


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #20 on: July 15, 2015, 01:09:45 PM »

Not being able to kill people 1vs1 is pretty sad as well.

I don't like direct damage distance-nerf solution for introducing open-map game mechanics.
Positioned and bunkered DSR squad which kills everything stupid to get out of the cover is very funny to play AGAINST for me, at least. Have to repeat about need of scout, idea of how to approach and strategy game of attacking enemy without getting into range fight with their DSR. For new casual players it's certainly something close to impossible and reason to cry. For experienced players it's great challenge and fun. The only thing which was absent in the beginning of the season is the reason to move at all. You stay on the same place, shoot and get score. Almost same now. Dynamic objectives would solve this. But high-range low-mobility weapon nerf just takes the whole setup out of the game.
For me "random balancing" when weapons became extremely deadly was the most enjoyable. But tastes are tastes.

I'd go for different solution. There's still cheap smoke which makes single shot weapon useless. With scout you can deny any DSR with it, which is great. You could possibly introduce soft smoke, which doesn't block sight, but let's say nerf the hit chance depending on the distance with something like e^x dependence. So at 10 hexes it's still 95%, at 20 hexes it's 90%, at 30 hexes it's 80%, at 40 hexes it's 50%. This way long ranges builds and weapons are deadly, but only if you get out of manageable cover.

I would take nerfing ability to move with deployed weapons (like 1 hex-moving would actually take action points to make, which I have no idea why not like right now), or increasing deploy cost. But nerfing deadly 94 hexes it's like taking out one of the brilliants of AoP, none of other servers have such things.

yeah i absolutely agree with paragon here , the event was fun to test out the map but to be honest i wasnt a fan of the weapons . i mean i get the idea but on the other hand i think that if this would be the meta for the the first weeks after the wipe then numbers matter more than anything else before , because u cant kill shit while being outnumbered due to non deadly weapons and less people mean even more less dps ... i encountered that in last battles from the event were my team was getting rushed all the time and it was impossible to do something against it which was pretty annoying . Paragon pointed most stuff pretty good out , long range weapons arent a problem in my book anymore since crit dmg multiplyer nerf happened , so we wouldnt see something similar like in beginning of this season with DSRs im sure ... plus like paragon said , single shot weapons easy counterable with smoke grenades , people that cry just havent discovered the utility slot and smoke grenades . Im not sure if this meta is a great idea , but i guess we have to wait and see ......


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2015, 02:28:26 PM »

I woud still like to keep smoke role as blocking view, but it could have some counter effects :
- Unreliable time of duration, unreliable size of the smoke.
- Some nasty effect, non lethal effects on those who walk directly on the smoke. (unability to run, loss of perception etc...)
- Some weapon or utility to counter the smoke. Let's say a water rifle that can make the smoke disapear in less time when hex shooting on it, but make no damage on target.
- The smoke disapear in as much time as currently, but progressivly, so some target get some chances to be seen

But simply removing the blind effect would render the smoke grenade totally useless.
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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2015, 03:11:34 PM »

I woud still like to keep smoke role as blocking view, but it could have some counter effects :
- Unreliable time of duration, unreliable size of the smoke.
- Some nasty effect, non lethal effects on those who walk directly on the smoke. (unability to run, loss of perception etc...)
- Some weapon or utility to counter the smoke. Let's say a water rifle that can make the smoke disapear in less time when hex shooting on it, but make no damage on target.
- The smoke disapear in as much time as currently, but progressivly, so some target get some chances to be seen

But simply removing the blind effect would render the smoke grenade totally useless.

why need smoke when u can make life of noobs easier with introducing non lethal weapons hahaha , welcome to 2238 gameplay


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2015, 04:41:00 PM »

We wanted to appeal to the swarm crowd, it make sense as swarms are majority of player population so of course we want to appease the majority of our players. I hope these design decisions will reflect in an influx of player populations and swarms.


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2015, 04:44:33 PM »

thank you =D


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2015, 04:46:31 PM »

We wanted to appeal to the swarm crowd, it make sense as swarms are majority of player population so of course we want to appease the majority of our players. I hope these design decisions will reflect in an influx of player populations and swarms.

If u want to attract some sort of UV playerbase than its right decision


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #26 on: July 15, 2015, 05:33:15 PM »

Ctrl shoot with single weapons pl0x :V

shoot at a hex...if anything is in its path then it gets hit  :-X


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #27 on: July 15, 2015, 05:35:49 PM »

fu dude


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2015, 05:59:33 PM »

fu dude


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2015, 06:01:01 PM »

Ctrl shoot with single weapons pl0x :V

shoot at a hex...if anything is in its path then it gets hit  :-X

lol stalger u havent seen the lethal ww2 weapons yet


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2015, 06:35:43 PM »

Well, I'll see them Saturday :V


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #31 on: July 16, 2015, 02:28:42 AM »

nerf snipers and sneakers nao  >:(


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2015, 04:02:34 AM »

Don't want to nerf snipers. There is not enough people using them.
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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2015, 09:30:43 PM »

Don't want to nerf snipers. There is not enough people using them.
well, the only 2 snipers really worth using are the M1C and DKS-501.

The DMR's are just too weak, most of them can use a buff

nerf snipers and sneakers nao  >:(
Best idea this guy suggested


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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2015, 09:50:03 PM »

BG sniper rifles were good when there was no tunnel vision. Atm they're useless because of couple factors combined:

- tunnel vision.
- night fov reduction.
- requires precious positioning and is exposed to sneaker, stationary gun.
- naturally good only in large fights, because low amount participants in fight requires mobility.
- supereasy to counter with smoke with few participants in fight (7vs7 extremely easy to rush DSRs, smoke + tunnel vision + deadly short range weapon).
 - requires 2-3 professional players to score a kill, since you can do it only with a proper stun-lock.
- supereasy to counter with smoke + your own .50 snipers.

If there would be 15x15, it'd become much harder to rush DSRs (when 10+ rushing through smoke, DSRs will eject at least someone between smokes, no doubt, while having enough people preventing enemy from getting too close) but on the other hand you can form up sneaker team and approach with tactics and strategy, which is great.
I liked this weapon - only thing I can play comfortably with great ping, cuz enemy is rushing in my fov, not me rushing in their. Sadly can't see a way to use it now, night + smoke+ tunnel vision brought it on knees.
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Re: Time for Buggy event Tuesday 7/14/15
« Reply #35 on: July 31, 2015, 06:46:20 AM »

better play other game till atleast nightitme pe immersssun malus is deleted thats the only thing which annoys me the most because if u play as sniper u totally fucked up in night while other playerclasses are all fine in night ...
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