Author Topic: Private service announcement from Judge Jackson (22.10.2221)  (Read 6610 times)

Judge Jackson

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Private service announcement from Judge Jackson (22.10.2221)
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:53:02 PM »

This broadcast can be heard on the lawyers radio and the Cradle of Justice monitors.

Dear fellow Lawyers,

Justice is no easy task to attend to, even though we may sometimes ask ourselves why was this burden given to us, we must remember that it is our sacred duty. Thus even when times are grim and crime proliferate, we must know that justice always win, because it is The law!

In the last weeks we have fought bravely and punished many outlaws, but we are yet to keep a constant control of the Phoenix police station. As it is a strategic key point for controlling Phoenix, we must deploy all our efforts and mightiness to make sure the police station stay in the hands of The law. It is after all more than a strategic key point, it is also an important symbol of humanities greatest accomplishments.

Many vault technicians have already seen reason and joined us in our quest for rightfulness. I ask you brothers, that you welcome them with open arms even though they may have been blind in the past, they now, just like us, see clearly.

As for the so called family, this band of organized criminals will soon be nothing but bad memories. But until then, we shall keep hunting them like the animals that they are.

Finally, those brahmins shit shovelers and animal molesters clearly are a plague that must be dealth with, harshly! If they cannot hear the voice of order, they are to be buried next to those criminals from The family.

The greater good of humanity depend on all of us Lawyers. Let us show the way for humanity to follow, so that future generations don’t have to deal with the evilness we must face. One day our children will live in the world that once was, a world where order ruled, a world where all humanity shared common goals, a world where justice was complete, a world where criminals only existed in fiction… as we keep on accomplishing our sacred duty, that day gets closer everyday.

May The agency watch over all of us!

Judge Jackson

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