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Messages - S1mancoder

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Mighty, салют!
В релоадеде разочаровался, поэтому не на мамбле с вами, пока. Верю в этот сервер, начал тут играть. Если соберетесь играть тут, сообщите :) Это я, Gunrunner

По поводу обновлений... Скажите, почему я не могу выключить режим боя или, скажем, первую помощь(обычным способом, нажав правую кнопку мыши)? Приходится тупо включать к примеру Lockpick и кликать на пустое место... Что за бред?

По умолчанию смена режима атака/курсор на пробел.
В крайнем случае этот режим можно выключить и вернуться к классическому режиму управления, как на других серверах, но советую привыкнуть - так действительно удобнее.

Suggestions / Re: Sneak theory
« on: July 05, 2016, 07:00:14 PM »
the ping gap

Almost no influence on combat. Average ping on AoP is 50-400 ms, considering TTK time of at least (in extreme rare cases!) 3000 ms but ususally about 5000ms that ping difference of average of 100ms is not deciding anything. I myself live directly opposite to server in northern hemisphere and still have ping about 180.

The deciding thing is that some players have reaction time of 2000-3000 ms (I myself can have it under certain conditions aswell) that is enough for them to die without literally doing anything against sneaker.

For example Ramon's often seen plasma rifle build kills enemy from 6-7 shots, that with sound of charge time gives target 1000 + 700 * 6 = 5200 ms to react to danger (by shooting back, healing yourself or going to cover).

Suggestions / Re: Sneak theory
« on: July 05, 2016, 03:27:43 PM »
Have anything at all reasonable to say, or did you just come here to insight hate?

What he wanted to say: current sneak can be countered by good reaction time shoting sneaker back, he will suffer huge damage due to sneak penalty. You only can die to DPS sneaker if you have very low damaging weapon or very bad reaction time + no teammates to cover.

Changelogs / Re: 06-30-2016 Changelog
« on: June 30, 2016, 05:23:39 PM »

"Fake changelogs" is just a side easy job. The changes that are supposed to improve all what you mentioned are pretty big and going along with balance tweaks (they are quite big so may be released once per month at best).
Also minor additions and bug fixes might not be included in changelog.

General Discussions / Re: Best its ever been
« on: June 29, 2016, 11:56:28 AM »
First mistake: Asking for RAMON'S opinion, of all available people he is the biggest troll. All he cares for is killing people using OP sneaks, so yeah....DONT listen to him lol.

He is a dedicated sneak player, who has really huge experience that makes him valuable source of information. Gathering feedback doesnt mean I will do what he think is suitable.

Secondly, just because 1-2 of your friends want you to do things one way, does not mean the rest of us are okay with it

In short time scale I care about opinions of skilled/experienced players in the first place (they're able to judge changes more precisely and foresee what will be gameplay effect), in longer term and bigger scale there might be some more feedback gathering with greater coverage, but it requires at least month of no sneak changes with enough server population.

Thirdly: ''conceptual depth'' Havent you ever heard that the simpler it is, the better?

I mentioned "depth" because stalker's suggestion look like "thoughts on changing sneak" rather than a conceptually finished suggestion.

The sneak detection forumla is totally fubar, you base it on people having 130 sight range

I base it on fact that ppl have maximum of about 130 sightrange. Is that fact incorrect?

Fourthly: Changes like: Sneak detection range +25% and in the same patch war-time bonus from +15% to +40%........I mean...are you TRYING to negate your own changes as soon as you make them?

I would recommend you to think more thouroghly on what changes are bringing. It is all I can say if you dont see difference before/after here.

General Discussions / Re: Best its ever been
« on: June 28, 2016, 06:36:10 PM »
Where is that suggestion? Can you point me out to it, i would like to read it and i cannot find it on suggestions section.

I think he's talking about this one:

I read all sneak changes propositions before changing it and STALKER's one seemed not really useful (its partially outdated and overall lacks conceptual depth).

I asked STALKER, Courier, Niamak, Ramon on IRC and Piggy/Clochard/Hellmai in TS on their opinions on sneak changes and STALKER/Courier werent willing to give me any more or less structured feedback so now if I need feedback from dedicated sneaker I ask Niamak/Ramon who gave me quite alot feedback already.

Technical Center / Re: i can't log in
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:45:16 PM »
I think I've registered because i have a username and everything. Is there something else i have to do?

You mean you created character through ingame menu?

Changelogs / Re: 06-22-2016 Changelog
« on: June 23, 2016, 06:12:38 AM »
- Sneakers now have 2.5 second sneak cooldown after shooting non-silent weapons.

I thought it was 6sec already.

Its different from sneak penalty. Before out of sneak/penalty you could shoot and insta sneak. Now you have that 2.5 s cooldown.

Чейнджлог 15.06.16

Spoiler for Hiden:
- Исправлено отображение 100% байпаса при критах оружием с трейтом Decreased DR.
- Эффект трейта брони Run for Your Life увеличен с 30% до 40%.
- Armor Class теперь имеет 2 эффекта:
    1) Снижение шанса попасть: рассчитывается как множитель для шанса попасть: (100 - AC/5)/100.
    2) Шанс перевести прицельный выстрел в неприцельный: шанс AC/2.
- Armor Class имеет 100% эффективность при беге, 66% эффективность при ходьбе и 33% эффективность стоя на месте.
- Изменены значения AC брони:
    Metal/Tesla: 0
    CA: 5
    SCA: 10
    FLA: 30
    Leather mk 1-2, CLC: 35
    LJ, CLJ: 40
- Armor Class цели снижен на Perception + 2*Sharpshooter атакующего для расчетов шанса попасть.
- Всей броне добавлено значение AC в описание.
- Перк Dodger теперь дает +30 AC вместо +25.
- Базовое значение AC теперь равно 5 + 2 * Agility.

Concussion Grenade:
- увеличены затраты ОД с 30 до 35.

- уменьшена базовая стоимость с 1200 до 1000.

Changelogs / Re: 06-14-2016 Changelog
« on: June 14, 2016, 03:00:11 PM »
All Battle Rifles
- range reduced by 5.

??? Why?

because I can
Well, there was a discussion on it on balance forum and as I result I decided to make BR's range abit less overal than top MMG's ranges. You can use 4x scopes on them to have more range (scopes now available at heart merchant and they're pretty cheap).

- You now need at least 100 sneak to properly enter stealth mode;

Does that include all the skill mods? I.E. heavy sneaker carrying too much weight and falls to 99% sneak, will he de-sneak automatically?

100 base skill, not sneak value.

Чейнджлог 14.06.16
(часть прошлых чейнджлогов пропущена, переведено по просьбе Komrade)

Spoiler for Hiden:
- Исправлена прицельная очередь на СВУ.
- Исправлена цена перезарядки в 35 ОД на некоторых плазменных винтовках (должна быть 60 ОД).
- Еда теперь добавляет переносимый вес (+5 кг).
- Все виды прицелов добавлены в ассортимент фракционного торговца.
- Изменена механика сника в соответствии со след. темой:
- Возвращена старая механика Reveal Time для оружия с трейтом Silent Attack.
- Перк Backdoor стелсбоя временно отключен.
- Добавлена задержка ухода в сник в 2.5 секунды после получения урона.
- Теперь невозможно уйти в сник если у вас отрицательные ОД.
- Добавлена горячая клавиша "warmode_toggle" которая позволяет переключать режим стелсбоя.
- Добавлена горячая клавиша "warmode_status" которая отображает в чате режим стелсбоя.
- Для ухода в сник необходимо минимум 100 навыка.
- Новый трейт брони "Run for Your Life": Когда у вас не полное ХП вы получаете прибавку к скорости бега до 30% в зависимости от количества ХП, но так по по вам увеличен урон на половину этого значения.
- Новый трейт брони "Hit and Run": Каждый раз когда вы тратите ОД на атаки вы получаете бонус к скорости бега в 1% за каждые 2 потраченных ОД до максимума в 20%, каждую секунду это значение уменьшается на 4% (вы будете постепенно замедляться).
- Изменет трейт брони "Psychopath": Каждый раз когда вы атакуете кого-либо вы получаете скидку на затраты ОД на атаки в 1% за каждый 20 урона/кровотечения что наносите, с максимумом в 10%. Это бонус обнуляется если вы в течении 3 секунд никого не атакуете.
- Возвращен байпасс во время действия Sneak Penalty.
- Новый перк 21+ уровня "Shadow": +30 к навыку скрытности для расчетов обнаружения вашего персонажа.
- Исправлен баг который не позволял создание персонажей с определенными именами.
- Заряд стелсбоя временно установлен в 30 минут вне зависимости от веса.
- Уход в сник во время Sneak Penalty теперь запрещен (будет переработано).
- Штраф за темноту был немного снижен.
- Перк Bloodthirst отключен.
- Возможно что-то ещё.

Mateba Unica:
- Уменьшен урон с 46-64 до 40-60;
- Уменьшена стоимость в ОД с 37 до 35.

Desert Eagle:
-  Уменьшена стоимость в ОД с 25 до 24.

Fast Metabolism
- положительный эффект изменен на: параметр Healing Rate увеличен на 60% после всех бонусов (включая еду).

Dead Man Walking
- негативный эффект изменен на: -10 к максимальным ХП.

Lizard Limbs
- к положительному эффекту добавлено: скорость излечения от яда в 3 раза выше.
- негативный эффект изменен на: параметр Healing Rate уменьшен вполовину после всех бонусов (включая еду).

- теперь дает +7 скиллпоинтов.

Electro Rifle
- Увеличен урон с 18-180 до 19-190.

- Увеличен урон одиночного выстрела с 38-52 до 40-55;
- Увеличен урон очереди с  27-33 до 30-33;
- Уменьшена стоимость в ОД с 45 до 40.

Electro SMG:
- увеличен урон очередью с 17-25 до 18-25;
- уменьшена цена в ОД одиночного выстрела с 45 до 42;
- уменьшен "Charge Time" с 1200мс до 800мс.

Plasma Pistol:
- Увеличен урон с 35-55 до 38-60.

Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.)
- Увеличен урон с 40-60 до 44-66.

Все Battle Rifles
- максимальная дистанция атаки уменьшена на 5;

- уменьшен вес с 1500g до 900g;
- увеличена базовая цена с 600 до 1800.

- увеличена базовая цена с 400 до 1200.

PP19 silenced, Evo 3 silenced

- увеличена базовая цена с 600 до 900.

Leather Jacket
- уменьшен вес с 2850g to 2250g;
- увеличена защита от плазмы с 3/20 до 4/25;
- уменьшен электро DR с 65 до 60;
- убран трейт Sprinter;
- добавлен Run for Your Life трейт ;
- добавлен 3xStealthy трейт ;
- добавлен 1xQuick Recovery трейт .

Combat Leather Jacket
- увеличена защита от плазмы с 4/20 до 5/25;
- увеличен ДТ от лазера с 3 до 4;
- уменьшен электро DR с 65 до 60;
- убран трейт Sprinter;
- добавлен Hit and Run трейт ;
- добавлен 1xBRoF трейт ;
- добавлен 2xStealthy трейт .

Combat Leather Coat
- увеличена защита от плазмы с 5/25 до 6/35;
- увеличен DT от лазера с 4 до 5;
- уменьшен электро DR с 70 до 65;
- увеличен ДР от взрыва с 40 до 45;
- убран трейт Sprinter;
- добавлен 2xStealthy трейт;
- убран трейт Paper Wall.

Leather Armor mk2
- увеличен DR от лазера с 40 до 45;
- увеличен ДР от взрыва с 45 до 60;
- добавлен 1xFaster Reload трейт;
- добавлен 1xStealthy трейт.

Fire Leather Armor:
- добавлен 1xStealthy трейт.

- - увеличена базовая цена с 180 до 900;
- добавлен Warmode (особый режим) который снижает дистанцию обзора но увеличивает уровень сника на 15%.

News & Announcements / Re: Server Back up
« on: June 14, 2016, 09:45:27 AM »
What's the point of pushing the update if it's gonna have bugs. Are you a DayZ developer or something?  ::)

Any major changes are bug-dangerous if you dont have a good team of testers to check it before patching live.

News & Announcements / Re: Server Back up
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:49:17 PM »
Snegs update probably today. I will try at least. Expect bugz, my bad(

Suggestions / Re: Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: June 10, 2016, 06:44:11 AM »
S1man, regarding nerfing sneak weapons - why can't you be serious?

You said EVERY SINGLE weapon, not sneak weapons, thats why.

Well, generally Caboose is right about there are going to be like a few more ways to fight sneks in the future (flares, thermal vision?), but probably not very soon.

I generally dont like STALKER's idea about prohibiting sneak with nonsneak weapons, but adding more support role to sneak is one of the desired directions of development, and there are some plans on it already.

Suggestions / Re: Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: June 09, 2016, 12:11:55 PM »
So as i said before: If a heavy sneaker in CA can just walk up to my sniper's range and start shooting me first....what's the point?

Shoot him back while he is under desneak penalty of 5 seconds, that will increase damage on him by 20-150% dependant on weapon and his bypass resistance.

Suggestions / Re: Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:19:02 AM »
Thinks i dont like at first sight:
-Leather jacket giving better bonus than higher tier versions.

Well, armors balance is a different part of a concept and overall it is work in progress and at the moment looks like:
Spoiler for Hiden:
I agree that now all armors for sneaks are kind of sidegrades instead of straight tier upgrades, but lets leave economic/tiering questions for now - this part of sneak is going to be changed later.

-Same problem comes from using weight as a penalty: the less thing you bring to combat better you will be.

Well, as I said economic side will be also rewoked on top of that, the least we have to work with is a stealthboy price.

-Armor by pass penalty: this is a form to cut sneak survivability. But the greater penalty comes to close/melee sneaker as they need more sneak value and also are more exposed to enemy fire.

This is a difficult question indeed. At the moment even sneak leathers are more than enough to survive return fire and shoot back, so even if you react to sneaker in time (after he has 1-2 attacks on you) you will still be at disadvantage. We have bypass resistance and armor efficiency perks to decrease that bypass penalty, if it will be too harsh we will change its mechanics to make it less harsh.

Among things you suggested there is a planned mechanic to make non-silenced weapons have longer resneak time after you shoot it compared to all other resneak time. Sneaking in heavy armors now is one of the core parts of concept so unlikely to be removed.

P. S.
Nerf every single weapon that makes sneak viable for combat.
I doubt if I could answer it seriously.

Suggestions / Sneak rework discussion (public)
« on: June 08, 2016, 04:59:59 PM »
This is a part of upcoming sneak rework concept I was working on and those changes will probably be in game in few weeks. I'm posting it here to hear some thoughts from people who played sneak for long time, since my experience as a sneaker is quite limited. We discussed that suggestion with balance team and it seem to be legit in our opinions.

1. How sneak skill is defined?

Base sneak skill equals to character_sneak_skill - 50, so its 150 for 200 skill character.
Then it is modified for:

- armors:
Leather Jacket +30
CLJ, CLC: +20
Leather Mk2, FLA: +10

stealthboy Ghost perk if you're next to wall: +20
stealthboy Silent Walk perk if you're walking: +20

-character perks:
New character perk for 18-24 lvl - Shadow, giving +30 sneak skill for sneak calculations

After that skill is reduced by weight penalty, which is a skill multiplier for each carryweight calculated as:
1 - 0.98
2 - 0.97
3 - 0.96
4 - 0.95
5 or more: (100 - carryweight^1.1) / 100

Here is the spreadsheet for quick refrence:
Spoiler for Hiden:

Well, lets look at some examples:
1) Light sneaker: 200 skill, CLJ, 10 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 20 (CLJ) + 30 (Shadow) = 200 base, multiplying for 10 weight: 200 * 0.87 = 174 final sneak value.
2) Heavy combat sneaker: 200 skill, CA, 25 weight: 150 (skill) = 150 base, multiplying for 25 weight: 150 * 0.66 = 99 final sneak value.
3) Medium weight combat sneaker: 200 skill, FLA, 20 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 10 (FLA) + 30 (Shadow) = 190 base, multiplying for 20 weight: 190 * 0.73 = 138 final sneak value.
4) Sneakest waki user: 200 skill, LJ, 5 weight, Shadow perk: 150 (skill) + 30 (LJ) + 30 (Shadow) = 210 base, multiplying for 5 weight: 210 * 0.94 = 197 final sneak value.

2. How detection range is determined

Front detection for 150 sneak value is calculated as sightrange^0.6 * 2, here is the examples for specific sightrange:
- 39 sightrange: 18 hexes;
- 50 sightrange: 20 hexes;
- 75 sightrange: 26 hexes;
- 100 sightrange: 31 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 37 hexes.

For any given sneak value detection range is calculated as (sightrange^0.6 * 2) * 150 / sneak_value ; so it is scaled from a base value of 150 in indirect proportion.

For above examples 1-4 of sneak value calculation lets check detection ranges for sightranges 39, 66 and 130:

1) Light sneaker 174 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 15 hexes
- 66 sightrange: 21 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 31 hexes.

2) Heavy combat sneaker 99 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 27 hexes
- 66 sightrange: 37 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 56 hexes.

3) Medium weight combat sneaker 138 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 19 hexes;
- 66 sightrange: 26 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 40 hexes.

4) Sneakest waki user 197 sneak value:
- 39 sightrange: 13 hexes;
- 66 sightrange: 18 hexes;
- 130 sightrange: 28 hexes.

Some additions I forgot to add initially:
- System above implying comeback of sneak bypass penalty, which will be based on your skill value: the higher the skill the severe the bypass. It will be needed to add some drawbacks to rolling sneak all time on any combat character.
- Sneak bonus from armors will be reflected in new armor trait Stealthy giving +10 to skill per level.
- Battery capacity planned to be 30 minutes * weight_multiplier, so about 15 minutes at 30 weight and about 30 minutes at 1-10 weight.
- Stealthboy warmode planned with separate hotkey and next effect: -30% sightrange, +15% sneak, no battery drain change.
- At first simple stealth/reveal system to be used, then probaly will be suggested more elaborate system based not on reveal time but on dynamic change of sneak value.

Changelogs / Re: 06-06-2016 Changelog
« on: June 06, 2016, 09:19:32 AM »
Cool! good to see some of my suggestion for sneak beign concidered :)

I actually wanted to say thank you for that suggestion, it is a really good job, and very useful to draw ideas/inspiration. I will continue to implement some ideas from it, it is really great overall.

Game Tips & Guides / Re: some questions I cant find answer anywhere
« on: June 04, 2016, 02:31:42 PM »
It is really sad to know the answer. I still love the game though. Maybe someday devs gotta fix?

Well, game is fine but it just have very different gameplay than other fonline servers and now due to a pretty meaningful troubles at the start of the session playerbase is pretty small, but enough to have at least few hours of pvp each day.

Its gotta be "fixed"  in terms of player count and economy only in the next season I think.

Also there are some frustrated players who loved game alot and now quite disappointed who will say "game is so sheeeit" each time you will say AoP just because they have different vision of what should be.

Technical Center / Re: easymove
« on: June 03, 2016, 11:24:38 AM »
As paragon said - it isnt hard to implement that if you want to.

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