« on: May 05, 2016, 05:29:04 AM »
They just instant-kill loners before they even see them, and pretend it is pvp, while in fact, they removed from those loners the opportunity to do actual pvp, as they are down before the fight even happen (from that loner perspective. One seconde before, there is no opponement. One second after, they are already dead. No pvp at all.), and then they post troll videos about themselves being proud of pretending to do actual pvp, with overpowered character, non-existant gear (compared with actual PVP character), and using the exact same tactics for the last 2-3 years.
Some of them dare to try to face small groups, which make good entertainment, but for the most time, they just pick up loners that weren't aware of them, and that might leave the server, reducing the overall server population. (although is is certainly not the only reason the server population decrease, it certainly helps)
They can have a role on ZC (which consist of gathering information, first of all), without being detrimental to the rest of server life.