High-Mid-Low Dice Game. An original by Steve(Gimper).
Hello Hounds! Are you getting bored of scavenging or doing ZC? Do you want a chance to double, triple or even QUADRUPLE your cap stacks?!
Well you've come to the right place! Steve's High-Mid-Low (H-M-L) dice game is a social and entertaining way to stuff your shelves and safes
with cold hard caps! The game is usually hosted in the debriefing room of Hound's base, so feel free to join us whenever we're here!
The Rules of the game are pretty basic,
1. Find an opponent to bet against. Both come to an agreed amount of caps to wager.
(1000 caps max bet per gambler)
2. Hand your bets to the Dice Holder(Steve).
3. After handing in your bets, you will decide which level of roll you'd like,
High, Mid or Low.(High = 5 or 6) (Mid = 3 or 4) (Low = 1 or 2)
4. The Dice Holder will get the level that's leftover. For example, If Gambler 1
takes High, Gambler 2 takes Low, then The Holder will be given Mid.
5. The Dice Holder will add 1/2 of either players bet to the pot. So if each gambler bids
100 caps, the Holder will add 50, for a total pot of 250.
6. The Holder will now roll the dice. If 5 or 6 comes up, HIGH is the winner.
If 3 or 4 is shown on the dice, MID gets the prize. If 1 or 2 pops up, LOW
takes the Pot!
Remember that the Holder is taking time to host this entertaining game for you guys with his own free will, so please feel free to share your winnings with tips!
Now get out there and win some CAPS!
Remember that this is for entertainment, so if you feel that it will make you angry, or that you'll pointlessly risk your caps, please don't gamble with us. Otherwise, enjoy your time!