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Faction drama
« on: February 15, 2015, 04:42:52 AM »

Factionless are scum, that need to be wiped out in the core. Do not trade, kill on sight.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 06:03:59 PM by Smalltime »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2015, 11:16:34 AM »

Bet you're a V-Tec scumbag too eh. ;)

Sewer Rats are awesome, don't knock them. It's a good choice for hardcore players since you actually have to use  your wits. And probably some good hiding spots to get away from asshats.

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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2015, 05:16:56 PM »

Nah. Don't listen to this guy. The faction to go to is obviously the Brotherhood of Steel. They have the right gear and they don't punish factionless people unlike SOME PEOPLE  ;) ;) ;)
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2015, 07:19:05 PM »

Actually i am even surprised that our group still exist after the first day, so everything that we can do in the future will be bonus.

But if you think we can do better, feel free to join us and provide tips.
 (although i advise you to make another char. Some might be harsh agains't vtec)

I not even interested in trying, it's a fad, please everyone go back to your factions and forget this ever happened.
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2015, 08:27:13 PM »

Nice of you to share your opinion.
Do something usefull for us (or anyone) and we might actually care about it some day.
In the time being, our doors are still open.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 08:30:05 PM by naossano »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 01:41:06 AM »

When factionless will get all the support, the whole v-tec just joins it. And be careful, we might be harsh to not ex-vtec


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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2015, 02:01:03 AM »

When factionless will get all the support, the whole v-tec just joins it. And be careful, we might be harsh to not ex-vtec



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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2015, 05:37:43 AM »

When factionless will get all the support, the whole v-tec just joins it. And be careful, we might be harsh to not ex-vtec

Well, it is up to you to provide us that support by trading with us, help us to fend off nasty critters etc...
This is the only support we might need.
Some of us proposed to support V-TEC, but got shot. But, hey, it's never too late to redeem yourself.
Although some people might have harder time than other to warm on you because of your past behavior, but time and atonement can heal many wounds.
But if you get past your pride, nothing is impossible.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 05:54:49 AM by naossano »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2015, 07:47:49 AM »

When factionless will get all the support, the whole v-tec just joins it. And be careful, we might be harsh to not ex-vtec

Well, it is up to you to provide us that support by trading with us, help us to fend off nasty critters etc...
This is the only support we might need.
Some of us proposed to support V-TEC, but got shot. But, hey, it's never too late to redeem yourself.
Although some people might have harder time than other to warm on you because of your past behavior, but time and atonement can heal many wounds.
But if you get past your pride, nothing is impossible.

Listen to yourself much? The rats are unpredictable, Troline attacks all blues on sight, no matter if they are known players or new players that are level 4 or lower - even if 1 of you acts this way, the whole rat pack gets bad rep with New and Old Vtec alike.

I personally have no time for rats and think they are pointless to the game. They add nothing to zone control. Why the hell should we be giving you gear when we need it ourselves or among our fellow blues?

What past behaviour? If you look at the current state of pvp - then the only people not to blame are Vtec. We've consistantly had the same people. Family joined Lawyers when they were already tough, BB's held the alliance with Family long after they were outnumbering us. And now we're supposed to beg for help and share gear with rats, who are no more helpful than the random blues we seem to accumulate on a daily basis.

Vtec has been the most consistantly active in pvp out of all factions, thanks to about 4/5 of us - so please, look again at what you're saying, because you just look stupid.
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2015, 08:58:41 AM »

- So you are blaming a whole group for the actions of one guy, in the land of open faction, while disregarding the actions of a whole group you are part of ? Beside, that Troline guy attacked opponements that were outnumbering him, and left them their gear. I don't recall blues leaving all the stuff, while they all rush lone guys.

- You have no time for rats, and yet, you sometimes ask for all support, sometimes hunt them, sometimes ask them to stop what they are doing. Pick a side. Do you support them, ignore them or hunt them ? Beside, why the hell the sewer rats would add anything to the zone control, as the whole point is to play outside of zone controls, factions, and the benefits of the faction ? We are trying out self-sufficience in the core, with pros and cons of the current system, trying to find out new ways to play, counter the boredom of six months doing the same kind of stuff. It is an experiment, in which nothing is granted and in which we probably lose more than we win, but the point is not winning. Also, trading stuff with Marxman is not giving him stuff. Lastly, your buddy told that he would join the factionless if we had support. Why not starting by supporting us then ? Even stating that you accept us, instead of asking us to leave the factionless, would be a beginning of support. Beside that, i don't get why you are so agains't our group, considering the total lack of treat we currently represent and the low lovel of treat we might potentially represent even at our prime. As Marx, myself and others already pointed out, the point of the sewer is not to fight you. We are not meant to support any faction more than one other. If you ask us for support, we might provide it to you, provided that you treat us well.

- What past behavior ? Swarming for six months and denying it, refusing to take part of counter solutions, killing scavengers on sight, taking ALL the zones at night time, making people ragequit within your own faction, bullying Stalker/Oleg, disrepecting your own grunt by saying your faction would be nothing without you/suff, killing the factionless that proposed to help you and so on. And cracking jokes instead of making efforts when people are calling you on it. Fortunaly, people can be forgiving, but you need to make some steps in the right directions, prove us that you are better than we think you are.

Of course, i mostly see the result of your actions, not what caused them, and also happen to be talking with the worst of you on forum. I might be misjudging some of your members, who mostly follow, unaware of the implications. But if you don't give counter exemple, only what we can see remain, and it doesn't look good. But as i said before, people can change. They just need to want it.

On the other hand, i can also admit that it might need some additionnal time as there are some people that are so much into their V-TEC hating conviction (six months with you can cause that) that it will take a lot to convince them to stop hunting you. As soon as you tell us that you want to soften things a bit, we will certainly have to make some move toward our hardliners to give you a chance. Although, remember that can only act on patterns. No matter what the faction general policy will be, there will always be one or two guys acting agains't it, chasing his own enemies. I recall that 1-2 lawyers gave me a lot of troubles when i tried to soften the diplomacy with the family. They know who i refer, but i won't blame them either, as there is nothing you can do agains't lone wolfs in open factions. But the actions of those 1-2 guys didn't prevent our faction to have diplomacy channels opened.

Anyway, i am tired of these dramas.
Maybe we should all gather our diplomats at one zone and sort out our issues.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 09:32:16 AM by naossano »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2015, 09:29:33 AM »

maybe delete factionless , i cant even kill lone looters anymore because no timer is popping up ... game is getting really boring after all those people switched to factionless and doesnt do anything in ZC ... moreover i see factionless alts in factions so that they can get stuff but they never help with zc , i mean its okey i checked sewerrats projects played some hours and it was boring at hell , nuthin u gain from it beside not taking part in the real game . u can roleplay on every other faction too ... so pls dont impletend factionless support , force players to choose new faction after they resigned .

from what i see factionless was never meant to be there and if u impletend full support it will just be another one faction to choose from ... plus see all that drama , noone really knows who belong to whom ... dont come with its different experience , u can get pve also if you are in a faction plus u can even live from what u looted , just make your own rules but really i dont see any point to be factionless . not on this server atleast .
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 09:38:02 AM by FrankenStone »


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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2015, 09:30:22 AM »

TL:DR I'm not getting into a debate with you. You have a seriously deluded view of the past 6 months. 100% interactions with rats last couple of weeks has been being attacked by them or they have been on the side of Lawyers/Family. Vtec has nothing to attone for, neither do we need your so-called forgiveness. We have won battles, we have lost battles - but either which way, you all, always ally against us and it has made us very bitter towards every other faction. Those of us that were against swarm, now openly supprt it. You have made us this way and cry when we bring numbers as we cannot possibly guess your numbers, both in cross faction alliances and now becasue rats arent counted on timer. You create the swarm, you deal with it.
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2015, 09:32:18 AM »

maybe delte factionless , i cant even kill lone looters anymore because no timer is popping up ... game is getting really boring after all those people switched to factionless and doesnt do anything in ZC ... moreover i see factionless alts in factions so hat they can get stuff but they never help with zc , i mean its okey ichecked sewerrats projects played some hours and it was boring at hell , nuthin u gain from it beside not taking part in the real game . u can roleplay on every other faction too ... so pls dont impletend factionless support , force players to choose new faction after they resigned .

++++++++++++++++ this
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2015, 09:46:53 AM »

You need to remember in what order things happened.

You have swarmed factions from 4-6 months (maybe exagerating on the six).

Family & BBoys allied when they were outnumbered by both lawyers/Vtec.

The other factions only started to make short-term alliance specifically to counter the blue swarm, many many months after you started swarming.

We didn't cause the swarm, we reacted to it, A LOT of weeks of constantly telling you to stop swarming.

And i emphasis on short-term alliance. We don't want to make any permanent alliance and are willing to split up every time the numbers are balanced. To be faire, most of us WANT to split up, as we prefer three/four balanced groups than everyone having to ally to counter a big groups. Battles with only two sides are much less interesting.

Also, you don't want to redeem yourself, fine. But i need to emphasis a few things.
- You are not stuck in a loop. IF you want to change, tell us and we'll do what we can to support it.
- As long as you stay proud of all the craps you do to break the game, you have no right to tell others what to do, especially asking for the removal of a project that try to be innovative. You are the last person in the AOP community that should ask it.
- You don't want to support the sewer rats ? Ignore them. You want to consider them as enemy, and shoot them ? Don't complain about it, if they shoot back. The sewer rats don't need your approval to keep existing and don't want to consider you as enemy. You shoot them, they will shoot back. You help them, they will help you back. Don't complain about our responses to YOUR behavior.
(beside that, most sewer rats don't go on ZC, no matter the sides involved. Even if you hunt them, they won't come to fight you in ZC)

Courrier >
This might not apply to all of us, but for a good half of us, we got bored of doing the same stuff in AOP for months. The Factionless experiment was a way for us to try out new things without leaving entirelly.
If it wasn't for the factionless, we wouldn't even be on the server anymore.
Sometimes, we play factions after a few hours of factionless because we get poked by fellow faction members, but if we weren't on factionless, we wouldn't even be there to be poked.
So factionless don't remove people from the pool of faction people. It remove people from the void.

Beside that, we don't owe you to be on ZC. It is up to everyone to decide if they want to play ZC, scavenge, PVE, or write poems on faction chat. You won't force them to do what you want to do. The best thing you can ask them is to be fair with you. But, as you can see, it doesn't work with everyone.

Although, i would agree with you about not making new features to help factionless (except factionless chat and wild workbenches). The whole point of factionless is try to play around the constraints it bring. If you remove the constraints, there is no point playing factionless.

Although, i am not alone there. If others want features, i won't blame them.

Beside that, are you actually complaining about not be able to kill loners because of the lack of the timer ? The timer being activated by loner scavenging is a flaw in ZC design that will probably corrected some day, it is not a features meant to pinpoint low level target to death squads idling in their HQ. Beside that, there are other ways of not activating timer that don't involve factionless.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 10:14:24 AM by naossano »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2015, 10:00:37 AM »

spawn points for the factionless in the sugarman prison


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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2015, 10:14:36 AM »

You need to remember in what order things happened.

You have swarmed factions from 4-6 months (maybe exagerating on the six).

Family & BBoys allied when they were outnumbered by both lawyers/Vtec.

The other factions only started to make short-term alliance specifically to counter the blue swarm, many many months after you started swarming.

We didn't cause the swarm, we reacted to it, A LOT of weeks of constantly telling you to stop swarming.

And i emphasis on short-term alliance. We don't want to make any permanent alliance and are willing to split up every time the numbers are balanced. To be faire, most of us WANT to split up, as we prefer three/four balanced groups than everyone having to ally to counter a big groups. Battles with only two sides are much less interesting.

Also, you don't want to redeem yourself, fine. But i need to emphasis a few things.
- You are not stuck in a loop. IF you want to change, tell us and we'll do what we can to support it.
- As long as you stay proud of all the craps you do to break the game, you have no right to tell others what to do, especially asking for the removal of a project that try to be innovative. You are the last person in the AOP community that should ask it.
- You don't want to support the sewer rats ? Ignore them. You want to consider them as enemy, and shoot them ? Don't complain about it, if they shoot back. The sewer rats don't need your approval to keep existing and don't want to consider you as enemy. You shoot them, they will shoot back. You help them, they will help you back. Don't complain about our responses to YOUR behavior.
(beside that, most sewer rats don't go on ZC, no matter the sides involved. Even if you hunt them, they won't come to fight you in ZC)

Courrier >
This might not apply to all of us, but for a good half of us, we got bored of doing the same stuff in AOP for months. The Factionless experiment was a way for us to try out new things without leaving entirelly.
If it wasn't for the factionless, we wouldn't even be on the server anymore.
Sometimes, we play factions after a few hours of factionless because we get poked by fellow faction members, but if we weren't on factionless, we wouldn't even be there to be poked.
So factionless don't remove people from the pool of faction people. It remove people from the void.

Beside that, we don't owe you to be on ZC. It is up to everyone to decide if they want to play ZC, scavenge, PVE, or write poems on faction chat. You won't force them to do what you want to do. The best thing you can ask them is to be fair with you. But, as you can see, it doesn't work with everyone.

Although, i would agree with you about not making new features to help factionless (except factionless chat and wild workbenches). The whole point of factionless is try to play around the constraints it bring. If you remove the constraints, there is no point playing factionless.

Although, i am not alone there. If others want features, i won't blame them.

Beside that, are you actually complaining about not be able to kill loners because of the lack of the timer ? The timer being activated by loner scavenging is a flaw in ZC design that will probably corrected some day, it is not a features meant to pinpoint low level target to death squads idling in their HQ. Beside that, there are other ways of not activating timer that don't involve factionless.

You read what you want to read and you discard what you want to discard. It is a complete waste of time time talking to you.
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2015, 10:39:11 AM »

I am also tired of arguing with you.
Just stop lecturing others when they do projects that have nothing to do with you or when they reacts to your actions.
You seem to have a lot to do before earning the right to complain about others.
I hope you will manage.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 10:41:45 AM by naossano »
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2015, 10:41:14 AM »

I am also tired of arguing with you.
Just stop lecturing others when they do projects that have nothing to do with you or when they reacts to your actions.
You seem to have a lot to do before earning the right to complain about others.
I hope you will manage.

Get off your high horse and get real.
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2015, 10:43:21 AM »

What does that expression means ?
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Re: Re: The Core Trading Post
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2015, 10:51:30 AM »

TL:DR I'm not getting into a debate with you. You have a seriously deluded view of the past 6 months. 100% interactions with rats last couple of weeks has been being attacked by them or they have been on the side of Lawyers/Family. Vtec has nothing to attone for, neither do we need your so-called forgiveness. We have won battles, we have lost battles - but either which way, you all, always ally against us and it has made us very bitter towards every other faction. Those of us that were against swarm, now openly supprt it. You have made us this way and cry when we bring numbers as we cannot possibly guess your numbers, both in cross faction alliances and now becasue rats arent counted on timer. You create the swarm, you deal with it.

damn, stop it, I don't have enough space in my underline.

AFAIN factionless gameplay will soon get some development and benefits. I'm not talking about your as a factionless, I'm talking about the future factionless v-tec who will be exploiting it.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 10:59:20 AM by paragon »
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