Considering you don't have previous record of using spies, i don't think you were the one sending that guy, but this should stop. The whole playerbase spent countless of months without using them. There is no reason to bring those stuff back.
About the egos, i don't think it applies to more than 1-2 guys, not unlike the vtec, which have at least 3 big narcissist. About enjoying their teammates, i agree that it is better, but it isn't a requirement. By registering in a faction, you are automatically team mates of previous members of that faction, no matter if you like them or if they like you, contrary to Reloaded, for instance, where you are totally screwed if you don't get accepted by a group, and spend hard time if you want to change faction. The dev make a good work in creating that alternative with free-joining and free-switching on AOP. If you don't like that system, there is more than 2 servers that allow closed isolationists factions.
PS: VTEC fought well yesterday, and we did some bad shit. Not only that, but it is good to have targets in front. I disagree on the rest.