Currently it is just Clochard/Ravach, but we were around 15 in the early days of the cession. We were one of the three lawyers major platoons at the beginning. Most of them left or became casual, but most will likely return on the early days of next cession. (some of them ONLY play Fonline the first month of a new cession, then quit as soon as they have everything)
About RP, it means a lot for me. The best times i had in Fonline 2238 were when we had some heavy RP projects. We all already play in a fictionnal world. If everyone play like they actually believe in this world, if they embody their characters, and act/react/behave/talk according to these belief, the immersion becomes ten times better. Every action, every fight, every encounter, has a meaning, instead of being a mechanical process. Also, it literrally kill boredom...
About Roleplaying in AOP, i think it has much much more potential in AOP than in other servers, considering we are all sharing the same big map. But IMO, it need some more push to make players want to stay much more in the city and much less idling in the HQ hoping for a timer. One good thing would be to make sure every map of the city have some unique stuff that everyone would want to grab. Let's say hospital is the only place you could acquire super-stimpacks. A faction/platoon decide to focus on this map, defend it at all cost, and grap all the super-stimpack. If you want some, you would have to mount a big assault or be more diplomat and start to trade with them. It can lead to a bigger variety on player interaction in that area, instead of having it empty except for ZC time... It would work as long as there is more than one player dedicated to such tasks.